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Copyright rules for lecturers at SDU: Newspapers


Nexis Uni


Ordinary newspaper articles are protected by the law on copyright, but a supplementary agreement to the current copying agreement with Copydan Tekst & Node, now makes it possible to digitally copy and scan newspaper articles and share them legally. 
Therefore, employees and students at the university can now legally share newspaper articles with other people at the university, as long as the sharing relates to an educational context. 
In practice, the new rules mean that educators and students now can: 

•    Scan a newspaper article and share it digitally with students at the university.
•    Download an article from an online newspaper and share it with other students.
•    Copy-paste content from an article into a presentation etc.

However, the supplementary agreement on copying newspapers does not change the fact that you must continue to respect the agreements entered into directly with newspaper publishers and other services that provide access to newspapers.
This means, for example, that if you want to make use of the Danish and foreign newspapers that the SDU Library provides online access to via e.g., Infomedia and Nexis Uni, you are not allowed to post them on itslearning or other digital platforms. In this case, you will have to link to the database. 

Also, be aware that private subscriptions to online newspapers may have special license conditions regarding use.

For further information, please contact Line Kronqvist Jensen or Jens Dam at the library.


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