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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Copyright rules for lecturers at SDU: AI

Artificial Intelligence

AI-generated compositions cannot obtain copyright protection.

Since the area of AI is relatively new, several questions are still unresolved regarding copyright. We are monitoring the situation and will update this webpage regularly.

The use of AI/Chatbot-generated compositions. 
Artificial Intelligence is based on large amounts of collected data. Therefore, it is possible that the data the AI builds upon is protected by copyright. Thus, you cannot be sure that the compositions the AI has produced do not violate the copyright. 
The user of the AI-generated compositions is responsible for ensuring that the AI-generated composition does not infringe the copyright rules. Therefore, the user is responsible for obtaining the copyright holder’s permission to use the material. 

Please be aware of any possible copyright issues if you insert text, e.g. a scientific article in a Chatbot program. 

Read more about the guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in teaching at SDU here:

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