I denne guide finder du information om Syddansk Universitetsbiblioteks materialer og ressourcer, der er relevante for studierne indenfor designkultur og design-økonomi.
Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI) (Proquest)Dette link åbner i et nyt vindue Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)Covers: Bibliographic database with records in design and applied arts. Topics: Ceramics, glass, jewellery, wood, metalsmithing, graphic design, fashion and clothing, textiles, furniture, interior design, architecture, computer aided design, Web design, computer-generated graphics, animation, product design, industrial design, garden design, and landscape architecture. Update: Monthly
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Arts & Humanities Database (Proquest)Dette link åbner i et nyt vindue Covers: Full-text journal database titles relevant to applied arts and cultural studiesTopics: Art, design, crafts and photographyArchaeology, anthropology and classical studiesArchitecture, interior design and urban planningHistory, philosophy, geography and religionModern languages and literaturesMusic, theatre, film and cultural studies
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Bloomsbury Design LibraryDette link åbner i et nyt vindue Cover: Design and crafts worldwide, from 1500 BCE to the present day. Offers cross-searchable access to a broad and expanding range of encyclopedias, reference works, e-books, images.
JSTORDette link åbner i et nyt vindue Digital library of important scholarly journals, mostly humanities and social sciences. Mostly 20th century
Academic Search Premier (Ebsco) - Ny brugergrænsefladeDette link åbner i et nyt vindue Academic Search Premier is a multi-disciplinary database which provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles
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ProQuest Ebook Central (Ebrary)Dette link åbner i et nyt vindue E-book Central provide authoritative e-books in a range of subjects. Use E-book Central to quickly and easily find relevant e-books and chapters; read online; search within the e-book; and highlight, take notes and bookmark pages in your online copy, stored on your bookshelf for you. You can also share your research with others, download e-books and chapters to your laptop or mobile device, and more
MuseDette link åbner i et nyt vindue Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community. It provides 100% full-text online access to high quality humanities, arts, and social sciences journals from scholarly publishers. Book collections on Project MUSE were launched in January 2012 and offer top quality book-length scholarship, fully integrated with MUSE's scholarly journal content.
ScopusDette link åbner i et nyt vindue Scopus is the largest curated abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in science, medicine, engineering and the social sciences. It holds over 70 mio. references to scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, and provides tools to track, analyze and visualize research output
Early European Books (collection 1)Dette link åbner i et nyt vindue This collection is made possible by a partnership between ProQuest and the Royal Library in Copenhagen. This collection offers a comprehensive survey of the Royal Library’s holdings listed in Lauritz Nielsen’s Dansk Bibliografi 1482-1600 and its supplement (1919-1996). The Royal Library’s Danish and Icelandic imprints produced in the 15th and 16th centuries fall within its scope, from the earliest works printed in Denmark to works by the astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe.
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Ny bog viser, hvordan arkitektur kan bidrage til FN's Verdensmål. Bogen indeholder 80 projekter i alle skalaer og fra hele verden og kan tjene som inspiration til alle, der arbejder indenfor det byggede miljø.
NB: findes også som trykt bog på biblioteket!
Håndværkeren, rådgiveren eller arkitekten, som arbejder med bygningsrenovering skal tilsammen have den fornødne viden om arkitekturhistorie, byggeteknik og materialekendskab. Kun på den måde, kan bygningerne bevares ordentligt for eftertiden.
This is the official website for The Louis I. Kahn Facsimile Project, organized to publish an exact reproduction of The Notebooks and Drawings of Louis I. Kahn. Originally issued in 1962 by Richard Saul Wurman and Eugene Feldman, the book was one of the earliest public acknowledgments of architect Louis I. Kahn’s genius and the first book to present Kahn’s work in his own hand. He personally acknowledged this as his favorite book about his work.
Bibliotek.dkDette link åbner i et nyt vindue Indeholder bøger, artikler og andet materiale udgivet i Danmark samt hvad der findes på danske offentlige biblioteker. Det er muligt at bestille materialet
The Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture embodies an open attitude, the spirit of innovation and the courage of constant exploration that all inherited from the history of establishing Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
The Bicycle Architecture Biennale (BAB) is a prestigious showcase of cutting edge and high profile building designs that are facilitating bicycle travel and transforming communities around the world.
What can be said about Covid-19 that hasn’t been said already? Rather than simply talking and writing about the pandemic, we at Gehl want to share the lived experience of it. We’ve worked with over 80 surveyors across 4 Danish cities to observe and understand how public spaces are serving the very unique needs of our communities during the pandemic’s lockdown and reopening phases.
Danish Design Award er årets store danske designbegivenhed, som hylder de bedste designløsninger og viser de mange måder, hvorpå design kan gøre en forskel for vores samfund.
Bag Danish Design Award står Dansk Design Center (DDC) og Design denmark (Dd). DDC og Dd har indgået et samarbejde med henblik på at skabe en markant, national designbegivenhed i international klasse.
The Prize objectives aim at promoting and understanding the significance of quality and reflecting the complexity of Architecture's own significance in terms of technological, constructional, social, economic, cultural and aesthetic achievements.
International VELUX Award challenges students of architecture all over the world to push the boundaries of daylight in architecture within any scare and looking at aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, and the interaction between buildings and the environment.
Future Architecture is the first pan-European platform of architecture museums, festivals and producers, bringing ideas on the future of cities and architecture closer to the wider public.
Surface covers the worlds of architecture, art, design, fashion, and travel, with a focus on how these fields shape and are shaped by contemporary culture.