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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Pure Guides EN



Welcome to the Pure Guide

In this guide, we have collected a number of guides on how to use different features in Pure. Many of the guides are the same as before, but have been combined into a single guide for ease of navigation.

The menu on the left will give you an overview of what you can find in this guide. We still link to the individual guides/menu items from Pure's page on the Research Support Hub.

Below are headings for some of the content in the guide. Many more details and topics can be found in the menu on the left.

  • Adding different types of content to Pure
  • Profile picture & presenting research on personal profiles
  • Green Open Access
  • Researcher IDs, including creation and annual verification (ORCID, Scopus & WOS)
  • For Pure editors: visual options on unit profiles, creation of organisational units

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg
+45 6550 2100 | sdub@bib.sdu.dk