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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Pure Guides EN


Introduction to personal profile

Your personal profile on the researcher portal is a window to the public. This is where all the content you have added in Pure is displayed.

Many of the elements are fixed, but there are several things you can do to make your profile as interesting as possible.

  • keep your Pure profile updated with research output and activity
  • add a profile picture
  • add a short text about your research in the ‘Research area’ section or under ‘Research interests’
  • consider using images on your page to illustrate your research
  • insert research IDs and check them at least once a year and check for duplicates
  • link to other platforms you use (sdu.dk, X, Facebook, Google Scholar etc.)
  • Fingerprints - edit 
  • consider putting a link to your research profile in your email signature in Outlook
  • consider to add current external position/employment
  • network map
  • featured content

Profile picture

You can add a profile picture to your official profile at the Research Portal by logging in to pure at sdu.dk/pure  

  • Click "Edit profile"
  • select "Add image"
  • go to drop down menu and choose "portrait"
  • browse your computer and select picture
  • click create
  • Save
  • Maximum files: 1. Max filesize: 1 MB. Accepted file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif. 
  • If you want to replace a current image with a new one instead, follow the same procedure as described above, but remove the ‘previous’ profile picture by clicking the bar next to the image link in Pure


It is also possible to add one or more images to your profile, which will be displayed in a gallery under Research description/research interests.

Of course, this is only if it is relevant to your other content. For example, it could be pictures of your books, photos of you receiving an award, speaking at a conference or something completely different. Be aware of copyrights.

You can add one or more images to view profile in the Researcher Portal

  • Log in via www.sdu.dk/pure
  • Click on ‘edit profile’ 
  • Inside your profile, select ‘Add image’ and then select the type ‘Gallery’ in the drop-down menu, click ‘Create’.
  • Upload one or more images from your device.
  • Finish with ‘Save’.
  • The image must be max. 1 MB (jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp or .gif)

Research description

Add description in Research areas

Add an introduction to your research in Research areas to let visitors to your profile easily see what you specialize in.

You can add a text in both Danish and English.

  • Start by logging in via www.sdu.dk/pure
  • Click on 'Edit profile'
  • A new window opens and here, scroll down to the heading ‘Research description’ and select 'Add profile information...'
  • Write or copy text into either the upper English field or the lower one, which is for Danish text
  • Make sure to format any links correctly by pressing the chain icon while you have your link selected
  •  Press 'Create' and then 'Save'

Edit Fingerprints

Fingerprint is automatically generated subject words distributed under predefined thesauri. You can remove individual words or entire thesauruses but you can get additional words on your profile by adding:

  1. English summaries and titles on publications, awards and projects registrations
  2. English text about research area on profile

The Fingerprint only updates at night so you will see new words under Fingerprint the day after you have added any of the above.

How to edit the Fingerprint:

  • log in via www.sdu.dk/pure
  • Click on 'Edit Profile'
  • Select 'Fingerprints' in the left menu bar
  • Disable entire headings by pressing the blue buttons. Once a thesaurus is switched off, no new words can be added under it. However, new thesauruses may still appear in the future
  • Turn off individual words by clicking on them. They can always be included again later if you change your mind. New words are continuously added as you add content in Pure
  • Press 'Save' and see your updates reflected on your public profile with a slight delay

Current external positions

You can add current positions directly to your profile to highlight them. To keep the section short, we recommend that you stick to the most relevant ones.

  • Start by logging in via www.sdu.dk/pure
  • Click on 'Edit profile'
  • In the new window, scroll to the heading 'Current external positions’ and press the button
  • Start by filling in 'Appointment' with the name of the position you would like to add - are you e.g. 'consultant', 'board member' or something else
  • Add the location of the affiliation under 'External organisation'. If the right organisation does not appear in the search results, you can press 'Create new' and add information yourself
  • Finally, fill in the start and end date if possible
  • Press ‘Create’ and then save the profile

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg
+45 6550 2100 | sdub@bib.sdu.dk