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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Citizen Science - SDU: Bøger og rapporter

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Man kan f.eks. søge efter "citizen science" eller "participatory science" eller crowdsourcing

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Udvalgte monografier om Citizen Science

Barros, F., Kish, I., Moltmann, L. and Silvestre, S., Rough Guide to Citizen Engagement in Public Libraries, Quaglia, A. and Martinho Guimaraes Pires Pereira, A. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, ISBN 978-92-76-60591-1, doi:10.2760/017449, JRC132175.

Boucher, S., Hallin, C.A., & Paulson, L. (Eds.). (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003215929

Cavalier, D., Hoffman, C., & Cooper, C. B. (2020). The field guide to citizen science: how you can contribute to scientific research and make a difference. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press Inc.

Citizen Science Skilling for Library Staff, Researchers, and the Public. (2021) - Section 1 Editor Jitka Stilund Hansen. v1.0. Series: Citizen Science for Research Libraries — A Guide. Published by LIBER Citizen Science Working Group

Cooper, C. (2018). Citizen science : how ordinary people are changing the face of discovery. New York, NY: The Overlook Press.

Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge : Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Theory and Practice. (2013). Edited by Daniel Sui, Sarah Elwood, Michael Goodchild [XI, 396 s. 65 illus.

Curtis, V. (2018). Online citizen science and the widening of academia : distributed engagement with research and knowledge production. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dickinson, J.L. & Bonney R. (2015): Citzen Science: public participation in environmental research. Ithaka Comstock

Handbook of citizen science in ecology and conservation. (2020). Oakland, California: University of California Press.

Hecker, S., Haklay, M., Bowser, A., Makuch, Z., Vogel, J., & Bonn, A. (2018). Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. UCLPress (Open Access PDF), 580 sider

A history of participation in museums and archives : traversing citizen science and citizen humanities. (2020). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Irwin, A. (1995). Citizen Science: A study of people, expertise and sustainable development: Routledge

Learning through citizen science : enhancing opportunities by design. (2018). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Library Infrastructures and Citizen Science (2023) - Section 2 Editor  Kirsty Wallis. v1.0. Series: Citizen Science for Research Libraries — A Guide. Published by LIBER Citizen Science Working Group

The rightful place of science : citizen science. (2016).  (First edition ed.). Tempe, Ariz.:, Washington, Wash.: Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes.

Tzovaras, B. G. (2024). Open Science Meets Citizen Science (T. Kaarsted, S. Worthington, Co-Eds.  Vol. 1.0). Series: Citizen Science for Research Libraries — A Guide. LIBER Citizen Science Working Group. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.25815/2tj5-0289

Vohland, K. (2021). The Science of Citizen Science: Springer nature (open Access), 520 sider.

Wallis, K. (2023). Library Infrastructures & Citizen Science (T. Kaarsted & S. Worthington, Eds.  Vol. 1.0). LIBER Citizen Science Working Group. https://libereurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Library-Infrastructures-amp-Citizen-Science.pdf

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg
+45 6550 2100 | sdub@bib.sdu.dk