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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Company and Market Information: Countries/Statistics

Descriptions of countries

A country can be described via a number of different parameters. In most of the Library’s databases, you will find basic information on specific countries, as well as information on economics, politics; macro-economical, demographical and social data.

IMPORTANT - remember:

Other official suppliers of statistics
• Government departments
• Agencies and directorates
• Research institutions

Other unofficial suppliers of statistics
• Industrial organizations
• Research agencies
• Suppliers of news

Country information - Denmark

Country information - Europe

A good starting point is Statistics Explained, an official Eurostat website, presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way.

You will find links to the tables, so you can make your own tables.

Country information - World-wide

Statistics Denmark


GlobalData Explorer


University Library of Southern Denmark
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