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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Case Competition : How to search for patents for free

Information specialist in Hackaton event in Sønderborg


Esp@cenet - free database including 60 million patents from all over the world plus information material, tutorials etc

Espacenet is a free online database that provides access to more than 110 million patent documents from around the world. Here are the steps to use Espacenet:

  1. Go to the Espacenet website

  2. Choose a search option: Espacenet provides several options for searching its database. You can search by keyword, patent number, applicant, inventor, or classification. You can also use the advanced search option to combine search criteria.

  3. Enter your search terms: Once you have selected your search option, enter your search terms in the appropriate field. For example, if you are searching by keyword, enter the keyword or phrase that you want to search for.

  4. Refine your search: Espacenet allows you to refine your search results by various criteria such as publication date, country, language, and legal status.

  5. View the search results: Once you have entered your search terms and refined your search, you can view the search results. The results will include a list of patents that match your search criteria, along with information about each patent, such as the title, abstract, and claims.

  6. Analyze the search results: You can analyze the search results to find the patents that are most relevant to your needs. You can view the full text of the patents, as well as any drawings or images that are included in the patents.

  7. Save your search results: If you want to save your search results for future reference, you can create a free account on Espacenet and save your search results to your account.

Overall, Espacenet is a powerful tool for searching and analyzing patent documents from around the world. With its advanced search options and easy-to-use interface, it is a valuable resource for inventors, researchers, and anyone interested in the patent landscape.

Step by step guide (in danish) https://www.sdu.dk/-/media/files/bibliotek/kvikguides/kom+godt+i+gang-patenter.pdf 

Patents are important when developing new products for several reasons:

  1. Protection of intellectual property: Patents provide legal protection for your invention, giving you exclusive rights to make, use, and sell the invention for a set period of time. This protection prevents others from copying or using your invention without your permission.

  2. Competitive advantage: Patents can give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace by preventing others from producing and selling similar products. This can help you to establish a dominant position in your industry and protect your market share.

  3. Revenue generation: Patents can be licensed or sold to generate revenue for your business. This can be a valuable source of income, especially if your invention has broad applications or potential for widespread use.

  4. Attract investment: Patents can be attractive to investors, as they demonstrate that your business has unique and valuable intellectual property that can be monetized. This can make it easier to secure funding for further research and development or to scale your business.

  5. Strategic value: Patents can have strategic value beyond their immediate financial benefits. For example, a portfolio of patents can serve as a defensive barrier against litigation from competitors or can be used as leverage in negotiations with potential partners or acquirers.

In summary, patents are important when developing new products because they provide legal protection for your intellectual property, can give you a competitive advantage, generate revenue, attract investment, and have strategic value. As such, obtaining and managing patents can be an important aspect of any business's intellectual property strategy.

Old patents

Old expired patents can serve as inspiration for new inventions. Although the patent has expired, the information contained in the patent document can still be useful for researchers and inventors looking to develop new products or improve upon existing ones.

Expired patents can provide valuable insights into the technological developments of the past and can give inventors a starting point for their own research. For example, an expired patent may have described a technology that was ahead of its time and not fully realized at the time the patent was filed. By studying the patent, a researcher or inventor may be able to build upon the earlier work and create a new, improved technology.

Additionally, expired patents can help to identify gaps in the market where there is a need for a new or improved product. By studying the patents in a particular field, an inventor can identify areas where there are no patents or where existing patents are about to expire, indicating a potential opportunity for a new invention.

In summary, expired patents can serve as a valuable source of inspiration for new inventions by providing information about past technological developments, helping to identify gaps in the market, and serving as a starting point for further research and development.

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg
+45 6550 2100 | sdub@bib.sdu.dk