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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

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How to search

Many ways

There are many ways of searching for literature: it all depends on what you are looking for. The Library materials can be located and retrieved from several digital systems, which are mutually connected. At the Library homepage you can make your search via the main search box and select where you want to search.

If you need other kind of resources, you can continue your search via the page Resources. You can also try searching outside SDU Library at either Bibliotek.dk or Google Scholar.

Read more about ...

Summon is the SDU Library search tool, which contains almost all of our resources from both article databases and our catalogue of books and printed journals.

When searching directly from Summon - you will always start on the "Basic search" page, where only one search field is visible. Change to Advanced search, it you want to be able to filter and type in in several fields.

If you find an article or electronic book here, Summon will link you to the resource online. (If you find a printed book or journal, Summon will give you a link to the Library’s catalogue from where you can order or place a hold.)

Basic Search

In the basic search field you can type words, terms and names from both title, subject and author. Place quotation marks ("... ...") around the phrases, where you want to search them together. It can be a title or a subject containing several words. If you are searching for a specific resource, it's possible to search both title and author simultaneously: "Democracy and education" Dewey

When you have created your search, you can add filters by using the limitations on the left side, e.g. full text, peer review, document type, disciplin, subject and language.

Searching on a topic

Type in the subject you wish to search in in the search field. If you are looking for a subject containing several words, you should use the quotation marks to wrap around the term, e.g. "social media".

Only access to materials through SDU's IP range

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg
+45 6550 2100 | sdub@bib.sdu.dk