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Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek - LibGuides

Case Competition : Law and Legislation

Information specialist in Hackaton event in Sønderborg

Law in Denmark

Danish law is adopted in the Danish parliament called Folketinget. 
Each year, around 200 legislative proposals and 200 resolution proposals are presented in Folketinget.
More on the Danish legislative process here:  https://www.ft.dk/da/folkestyret/folketinget/lovgivningsprocessen-i-folketinget (In Danish)

An EU law is called a legal act. The most common forms of legal acts are called regulations and directives.
A regulation is a binding legal act that applies directly in the member states. This means that the EU has decided how the Danish courts and authorities must apply the regulation.
Directives are legal acts that establish a common goal to be achieved in all EU member states. The countries decide themselves how they want to implement the directive and achieve the goal. The countries usually have to implement the directive within two to three years.
When the EU has adopted a directive, it therefore only applies in Denmark when the Danish Parliament has implemented it in Danish legislation. 

Danish Law


Retsinformation.dk is the entrance to the Danish legal information system. It provides access to all applicable laws, executive orders, and circulars.
You can also find Parliamentary documents and reports from the Parliamentary Ombudsman in the system. 

Karnov: You can also find the Danish applicable law in Karnov

Karnov's collection of laws contains all significant Danish laws with associated amendments. The laws are annotated.

How to search in Karnov:

Example: The Danish Constitution (Grundloven)

1. Search for the Constitution in Karnov by typing in “Grundloven”

2. In the star note (*), which are the notes to the entire law, you will find the law's history, progress, interpretations, judgments & decisions, as well as the complete bibliography for the legal commentaries. 
In the bibliography, you find the references to the material in their full length.

3. Search for the desired section using the button (Gå til §), or search for the topic in the search field, e.g. "Ministerial Responsibility"
If you click on the section, you will have all the comments for that specific section displayed in the right column, including any judgments and decisions.

Please note that Danish laws can only be found in Danish.

Possible interesting laws - remember to use the Danish names: 
Varemærkeloven - Lovbekendtgørelse 2019-01-29 nr. 88

Ophavsretsloven - LBKG 2023-08-20 nr 1093

Miljøbeskyttelsesloven - LBKG 2023-01-03 nr 5

Designloven - LBKG 2019-01-29 nr 89
Patentloven - LBKG 2019-01-29 nr 90
Lov om Forretningshemmeligheder - L 2018-04-25 nr 309 

More on law... (In Danish)

A more thorough description of the various entries to different law databases etc. can be found at the Library's Law portal: https://libguides.sdu.dk/law

European Law

Law and Regulation


More about the European Union

Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek
Odense | Esbjerg | Kolding | Slagelse | Sønderborg
+45 6550 2100 | sdub@bib.sdu.dk