This means a specifik entrance to the OUH staff:
University Library of Southern Denmark: 6550 2100
1. Questions regarding library loans
2. Library professional guidance
3. Support to electronic ressources
4. Pure support
Library Office Hours
Literature searches:
Access to electronic resources (incl. Covidence):
Need help on your literature searches? Book-a-Librarian (in groups or individually) by Skype or on the University Library for Southern Denmark.
We expect that you have been working on your search strategy and search terms prior to the meeting .
Southern University of Denmark offers special services for researchers and employees such as Open Access and Publication discount agreements
Guidance EndNote:
FAQ on EndNote (SDU)
Libguide on Endnote
(EndNote installation from Kiwi, Installation of Programmes or by contacting Clinical IT-Service, OUH)
Location: OUH Library, Ent. 50 The Clinic Building
OUH Bibliotek (Library) is for self-service only and you can collect and return books from the University Library of Southern Denmark.
OUH employees must use the national health card or SDU library card on the self-service machine.
SDU students must collect articles ordered from the University Library of Southern Denmark at the OUH Bibliotek, look for your library number.
Articles ordered by employees at OUH, will be sent out to the departments. Remember to notify the University Library of Southern Denmark if you change department. If you do not receive the articles, look for them at the OUH Bibliotek.
All users has 24 hours access, and must use SDU or OUH employee card or SDU student card at the entrance.
Employees at the Odense University Hospital has access to most of the E-resources licensed by the University Library of Southern Denmark and E-resources licensed by the Region of Southern Denmark.
To obtain access: username and password is the RSYD E-mail and associated password..
Access to electronic material at the University Library of Southern Denmark is for personal use exclusively, and only in connection with research and study use.
It is not permitted to use the access in connection with study jobs, internships, commercial purposes and the like.
It is not allowed to upload content to large language models or other generative AI technologies.
Need help with login? Please contact Office of Licensing by mail or telephone 6550 2632.
Read more about access to the electronic materials.
You must be a borrower at the University Library of Southern Denmark to order materials. Become a borrower
You can renew your loans and change your password:
Request on Materials not found in the library Catalogue or Summon
Notice when ordering books or articles choose location OUH bibliotek. You will recieve an e-mail when materials are ready for collection.
Hostet af Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek